Romanian young people are most open to entrepreneurship of all European youths

Almost 80 percent of the Romanian young people under 30, with a university degree, have a positive attitude to working on their own, according to the study titled “Entrepreneurship in Romania in 2012 and the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Europe.”

According to the above-mentioned document, every three of four Romanian young people think that in the next 10 years entrepreneurship will be more important than or at least as important as it is now, whereas every three of 10 Romanians think they will have their own business.

The report offers data about the Europeans’ attitude to carrying out an independent activity. The project has been supported by Amway Europe since 2008 and Romania has been included in this study for the first time.

On average, all over Europe, 69 percent of the attitude to entrepreneurship is positive. Romanians are up to the European average in point of their attitude to entrepreneurship: 66 percent. In Romania a third (34 percent) of the interviewed people think they are capable of laying the foundations of their own business, the European average being 38 percent.

The positive attitude to entrepreneurship is mainly obvious with people under 30, 79 percent, with Romanians having a university degree, 74 percent, with Romanians having secondary education, 63 percent, as well as with people having children, 71 percent, and having no children, 62 percent. As it has happened in most countries where the survey was conducted, Romanian men, 68 percent, offer a higher rate of accepting independent activities than women, 63 percent.

To Romanians the main factors motivating them to start their own business are: the “prospect of a second income,” 55 percent, the “independence from the employer,” 30 percent, and “self-fulfilment/possibility to materialize his or her own ideas,’ 23 percent. To most Europeans that were interviewed the independence from the employer comes first, 45 percent, self-fulfilment comes second, 38 percent, and the prospect of a second income comes third, 33 percent. Therefore, the Romanians appreciate above average the prospect of the second income, 55 percent, the European average being 33 percent, and are attracted more by the financial aspects of carrying out independent activities than by the freedom of being their own boss, as perceived by most Europeans.

The lack of a capital to start with, the uncertain economic situation as well as the fear of experiencing a failure are the main obstacles encountered all over Europe when it comes to making one’s own business. Of the 16 countries taking part in the survey, the Greeks, 74 percent, and the Germans, 69 percent, are more skeptical than the Romanians when it comes to starting the financing of a business. In Romania the “lack of a capital to start with” accounts for 67 percent, the European average being 57 percent.

The uncertain economic situation and the fear of experiencing a failure are the next two factors that are regarded as obstacles for entrepreneurship in Romania, but they are perceived as obstacles to a lower extent in this country than the European average: “the uncertain economic situation,” only 32 percent in Romania from the European average, 44 percent, followed by the “fear of experiencing a failure,” the European average being 35 percent, whereas in Romania it is 26 percent.

The study mentioned before has been made by the research company GfK Nuremberg, Germany, and the Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, in 16 European countries: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine at the initiative of Amway Europe.


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